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After 1916 Irish history review questions

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After 1916 Irish history review questions Empty After 1916 Irish history review questions

Post  Admin Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:46 pm

Name three political leaders who came to prominence after the 1916 Rising.
Eamon de Valera, Michael Collins, Arthur Griffith

Which party won the 1918 election and who was the leader?
The Sinn Fein Party won the election. They wanted a fully independent Irish Republic. The leader of the Party was led by Eamon de Valera.

Who were the Black and Tans?
They were ex-British soldiers sent to Ireland to defeat the IRA in the War of Independence.

What was a “flying column”?
These were small units of IRA men who carried out attacks on the police (RIC) and the British forces. They adopted guerrilla warfare tactics. They attacked and disappeared quickly. They had many safe houses to stay in as the majority of people were prepared to hide them.

Name two Irishmen who signed the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921.
Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith.

List three important terms of the 1921 treaty.
26 Counties of Ireland would become an Irish Free State. It would have a Parliament of its own in Dublin but would remain a member of the British Empire. All members of the Irish parliament in Dublin would have to take an oath of loyalty to the King of England.

Who led the opposition to the treaty in Ireland?
De Valera was angry with the Treaty and led the opposition to it.

What was the main cause of the Irish civil war?
A major split took place in the IRA. Some stayed loyal to Collins and accepted the Treaty. Others believed that the Treaty was a betrayal and were prepared to renew the fight for a Republic

What were some of the main results of the civil war
Ireland became bitterly divided. Michael Collins was killed in an ambush. Massive destruction of property. Hundreds killed on both sides.

What was the 26 county state called in the 1920’s?
The Irish Free State

Who was the main political leader of the 1920’s and what political party did he belong to?
William Cosgrave was the leader of the new government. His political party was called Cumann na Gael.

What were some of the main achievements of the government in the 1920’s?
They created a strong police force called the Garda Siochána. They restored law and order and a Courts system. They set up an Irish Civil service. They developed a hydro-electric power station on the Shannon river.

What did de Valera do in the 1920’s?
De Valera left the Sinn Fein Party. He formed a new Party called Fianna Fáil.

Why did Fianna Fáil win the election in 1932?
De Valera had a very well organised Party. Many of the main members were very well known.

Who were the Blueshirts and what were their aims?
They were founded by Eoin O Duffy in 1933. They were formed to protect Cumann na Gael meetings from attacks by the IRA. They were often compared to the followers of Mussolini because of their marches, salutes and uniforms.

What policy did de Valera adopt towards the IRA?
De Valera became very opposed to the use of any violence by any group. He imprisoned many IRA members and later banned them.

What changes did de Valera make to the 1921 Treaty?
He got rid of the oath of loyalty to the King. The representative of the King in Ireland was called the Governor-general and de Valera also abolished that position.

What were the main parts of the new constitution of de Valera?
The country was to be called Eire. The head of State was to be called a President. The head of government was to be called Taoiseach.

What was the economic war of the 1930’s?
This was when the British government imposed tariffs (special high taxes) on Irish goods coming into Britain. They were angry with De Valera because he refused to pay back money owed to Britain. The Irish government then retaliated by placing huge tariffs on British goods entering Ireland. This lasted for a few years. Both economies suffered as a result.

Write about life in Ireland during World War 2.
War began in SEPTEMBER 1939. Called the “Emergency” in Ireland. Government policy was to be one of neutrality.

Taoiseach : Eamon de Valera
Widespread support for the policy - Dáil and public
Govt. given wide-ranging powers - Emergency powers orders
Two new Govt. Departments created - e.g. Department of Supplies
Sean Lemass becomes a key Minister
Very strict rationing introduced
Very strict censorship of all newspapers and radio
Irish Shipping set up to get supplies into Ireland
Dublin bombed by mistake by Germany in 1941- 34 died

What unique form of government was formed after WWII?
This was the very first Coalition Government created in Ireland. All political parties took part except Fianna Fáil.

What was the main achievement of Noel Browne?
He was the Minister for Health in this first Coalition Government. He is most remembered for the way in which he tackled the problem of TB. Many new hospitals were built and new drugs were paid for to wipe out the disease.

What was the Mother and Child scheme and why did it cause controversy?
This was a proposal of Browne to introduce free medical care for all mothers and children up to the age of 16 years. It was opposed by the Catholic church who said it was too much like a Communist idea.

What were the major problems facing Ireland during the 1950’s?
Massive unemployment. Huge emigration to the USA and Britain. The overall population continued to decline.

Write about the major changes that occurred in the Lemass years (1960’s).
Foreign Companies were encouraged to invest in Ireland. Free Secondary education was introduced for the first time. RTE TV was launched. Special meetings took place for the first time between the political leaders of both the Republic and Northern Ireland. (O’Neill and Lemass)


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Join date : 2010-01-13


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